Concrete in any volume, in any weather just in time.


About us

ООО «Durable Beton» – это современный завод, производящий бетонные смеси, железобетонные изделия и бетонную брусчатку по международным стандартам. В 2019 году завод успешно прошёл аудит системы менеджмента качества на соответствие стандарту ISO 9001:2015.

The plant manufactures products under the trademarks: “Durable Stone“, “Durable ЖБИ“ (Reinforced concrete products) and “Durable Beton“.

The company is engaged in manufacture and delivery of the following products under these brands, accordingly:
  • Concrete mix of class B7.5 (М100) - B60 (М800)
  • Reinforced concrete products
  • Vibration compacted paving

The “DurableBeton” has the state-of-the-art in-house logistics centre, through which we organise goods delivery within Tashkent and Tashkent region. It is possible because of our in-house logistics centre and truck fleet of 120 vehicles